World Bank

Open India

Open India is a web application that enables people to navigate the engagement areas, outcomes, indicators, and projects of the World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Strategy for India (CPS).

The strategy includes a multi-billion dollar investment aimed at ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. Though the CPS began its life in the form of a book, Fathom created an experience that explores the progress and obstacles facing the nation as it seeks to lift one-third of the world’s poor out of poverty. The app measures the strategy’s outcomes by tracking the development of hundreds of projects and knowledge activities across the country.

Optimized for desktops and tablets in high and low-bandwidth environments, Open India enables users to explore—and the World Bank team to update—the number of projects, amount of funding, and the set of states influenced by each engagement area, outcome, or results indicator.

World Bank Group: Open India 2.0 demo